Sawadeeka! Greetings from the land of smiles, Chiang Mai is preparing for Loi Kratong, a festival of lights and fireworks displays and festivities leading up to the Full Moon on Nov 29. I started my journey here with a 5day course on Abdominal Chi Massage, with a local expert Thanachai. Giving&receiving this treatment has opened me up to really understanding ones emotional blocks and surrendering to the breath. Indeed a great preparation for studying with Ajarn Pichest, who is not only a master of Thai bodywork, but truly embodies Buddhism and “Metta” loving kindness to his clients &students. His skills at body reading and diagnosis are but an extension of his ability to “feel& sense” the person whom he is touching. He works from “no thinking” and encourages students to drop the “ego-mind” and allow the healing to move through us. I am humbled and inspired.
I want to book a session with you when you get back home to Nevada County. Learn lots!